How to Search Reddit for a Username Containing Specific Word

You can search Reddit for usernames that contain a specific word by using the advanced search feature. To do this:

Home Short:

You can search Reddit for usernames that contain a specific word by using the advanced search feature. To do this:

  1. Go to the Reddit homepage and click on the "search" icon in the top right corner.
  2. In the search bar, type in the word that must be in the reddit username and click on the "Users" tab.
  3. Select "Advanced search" in the drop-down menu that appears.
  4. In the "Username" field, type the word that must be in the Reddit username and press enter.
  5. This should bring up a list of all the usernames on Reddit that contain the word or phrase you are interested in
  6. .

You can also use the Reddit search bar by typing "user:[word]" so if you are looking for all usernames on Reddit that contain the word "coconut" you would enter "user:coconut".

Please note that by default the search results are sorted by relevance, You can change the sorting by clicking on the dropdown on the top right corner of the search results page.

Another Way to Search for Users on Reddit Containing a Specific Word or Phrase

If you prefer an easier more automated approach to finding usernames on reddit that have a specific word in it, just use the free Reddit Usename Search tool found at the website in their webtools section.

Enter the word or phrase you want to be in the usernames of users on Reddit, press the search button and in about 2 seconds the page is littered with tons of Reddit usernames containing the word of interest.

This cool free search tool also allows you to search dozens of other websites by username.

Reddit Username Search Tool Partial Reddit Username Search
Reddit Username Search Tool Partial Reddit Username Search
Reddit Username Search Tool Partial Reddit Username Search