For Ebay Sellers - Removing Undeserved Negative Feedback on

If You're an Ebay Seller, you Will Occasionally have to Deal with an Unreasonable Ebay Buyer Who Left You Underserved Negative Feedback. Here is How Buyers can get Negative Ebay Feedback Removed..

Home Short:

If you are an eBay seller if you haven't already, you will likely at some point during your selling career on eBay experience a buyer who leaves you negative feedback. There are some Ebay sellers who have a long sales history with Ebay and they have 100% positive feedback and to be honest with you, I have no idea how they accomplish this.

What to do if an Ebay buyer leaves you negative feedback that you feel you don't deserve...

  1. The most obvious first thing you should do is contact the buyer directly. explain to the buyer that whatever happened that they're just pleased with you certainly didn't mean for that to happen on purpose. kindly request that they remove the feedback and ensure them that you will do whatever is necessary to make them happy. Unfortunately, for my own personal experience, I have found this quite often does not work. Douchebags want to be douchebags and they get joy out of being douchebags.
  2. Send the Ebay buyer an actual physical letter. You shipped a product to them so you know their address. Send them a letter pleading with them to remove the negative feedback. Tell them you are will to whatever they wish to make things right.
  3. Navigate to and use the Ebay page to request removal of negative feedback. You can check the status of the negative feedback removal by visiting the feedback removal request status page.
  4. Report the buyer to Ebay.
  5. Without a doubt, immediately block the Ebay buyer from ever being able to purchase anything from you in the future. I personally also block people who request a refund simple because I wish to avoid any Ebay buyers that will potentially infringe on the quality of my Ebay experience as an Ebay seller.
  6. Call Ebay 866-540-3229. You will actually get to speak with a real person and discuss the negative feedback issue with them.
Ebay Form To Request Removal Of Negative Feedback
Ebay Form To Request Removal Of Negative Feedback
Ebay Form To Request Removal Of Negative Feedback
Properly Filling Out Ebay Form To Request Removal Of Negative Feedback
Properly Filling Out Ebay Form To Request Removal Of Negative Feedback
Properly Filling Out Ebay Form To Request Removal Of Negative Feedback
Image Of Negative Ebay Feedback Removal Form After Submitting
Image Of Negative Ebay Feedback Removal Form After Submitting
Image Of Negative Ebay Feedback Removal Form After Submitting

The Whole Ebay System is in Favor of the Buyer

The fact of the matter is that the world is filled with jack 0ffs and there's always that person out there who you could be selling $20 bills for $1 and they'll leave you negative feedback because the $20 bill they you sent them has a bend in it.

It certainly doesn't help matters that the eBay company itself doesn't seem to really give a crap about it Sellers and the whole eBay system is seriously biased in favor of the buyer. If a buyer wants to leave you negative feedback simply because he or she is having a bad day and you happen to be the person they're going to take it out on then so be it. The best you can do is follow the steps above to get that negative feedback removed.

To make matters worse, there are some competing sellers who hire someone or use a friend to buy something from you, knowing in advance they are going to leave you negative feedback on Ebay for the specific purpose of damaging your reputation so Ebay buyers are more likely to purchase from your competitor.

One thing I have learned in life is that you absolutely make up your mind about something you'll get what you want and if you're really determined to get your undeserved negative feedback on eBay removed you will be successful at it.

Tips to Prevent More Negative Ebay Feedback in the Future

While there are no guarantees there are certain practices you can engage in on eBay as a seller to help minimize and perhaps eliminate negative feedback in the future ...

Don't Fret TOO Much Over the Negative Feedback

Getting negative feedback on Ebay sucks BUT it is not really as bad as you think. Strive to maintain a postive feedback level of 99% or more and the once-in-a-blue-moon times a pathetic excuse for an Ebay buyer gives you undeserved negative feedback, it won't really have too much of an effect on your sales simply because very few Ebay sellers have a 100% feedback rating.