Take Javascript code and Output it as a String

Take Javascript code and output it as a string which can then be used for return values for xmlhttprequests to create and run Javascript code on the fly or if you simply want to turn the Javascript code into a string which can then be assigned to a variable

Home Short:

This tool allows you to take Javascript code and output it as a string which can then be used for return values for xmlhttprequests to create and run Javascript code on the fly or if you simply want to turn the Javascript code into a string which can then be assigned to a variable.

How to Use this Free Tool to Turn Javascript Code Into a String

  1. Paste or type the Javascript code you want to convert into a string into the white top textbox.
  2. The Javascript code will be converted to a string in the green textbox as you type or paste Javascript code into the white textbox.
  3. Double click the green textbox to select the entire text so you can copy to clipboard.