App to Remove All Spaces and/or New Lines from Text Online

Free Online App/Tool to Take Multiple Lines of Text and ... [1] Remove All Leading Spaces, [2] Remove All Trailing Spaces, [3] Add a Fixed Amount of Space Padding to the Left of Each Line of Text, [4] Add a Fixed Amount of Space Padding to the Left of Each Line of Text, [5] Remove All Carriage Returns/New Lines so All the Text Appears on One Single Line.

Home Short:

Use this free online app/tool to format multiple lines of text to remove leading and/or trailing spaces, add fixed amount of leading and/or trailing spaces padding, and/or remove all line breaks/carriage returns so all the text resides on one single line.


Optionally Replace Text

How to Use this Online Tool/App to Remove Spaces, Carriage Returns, etc

This free online tool allows you to take multiple lines of text and do any or all of the following to the text:


  1. In the top, white textbox, paste the text you wish to remove spaces/line breaks/add padding etc.
  2. If you wish to remove all spaces to the start of each line of text, check that checkbox.
  3. If you wish to remove all trailing spaces to the end of each line of text, check that checkbox.
  4. If you wish to add specific text to the LEFT of each line of text or to the RIGHT of each line of text, enter it in the appropriate textboxes above. You can add any text you wish including spaces, letters, numbers, etc.
  5. If you want to remove all carriage returns/new lines so that all the text resides on one single line, click the appropriate checkbox.
  6. Additionally, there are 4 textboxes where you can replace any text with any other text
  7. When you have finished making you desired selections, press the button with the text Trim + Pad.
  8. The bottom, green textbox will contain the output text. You can double click in this textbox so all the text is selected so you can easily and quickly copy the text to clipboard.